

Following are links to 多样性公平和包容性卓越出版 that provide useful resources for 教师 and staff who are interested in incorporating diversity into their classrooms, 办公室和项目. 欲了解更多有关多元化、公平及包容性卓越刊物的资料,请浏览 http://www.aacu.org/resources/diversity-equity-and-inclusive-excellence/publications.


This publication makes the case for the urgent need to expand access to and success in high-quality educational 项目 for students traditionally underserved in higher education. The publication addresses students' access and success in terms of traditional measures such as college completion, as well as important indicators of educational opportunity such as participation in high-impact educational practices. The authors present an equity-minded guiding framework that can be used throughout higher education. 他们提出了评估公平和推进制度变革的原则, with a specific focus on improving outcomes for students affected by stratification in educational opportunity by race, 种族和社会经济阶级地位. Excellent resource for launching conversations among educational leaders and practitioners about diversity, 公平与制度变迁. 


College students should have significant practice solving complex problems with diverse groups of collaborators in order to prepare for the challenges they will face in the workplace and in civic life. 本期《大发彩票网全部平台》 & 《大发彩票网全部平台》包含了突出课程的文章, 项目, and initiatives where students are engaging in such collaborative problem-solving across differences. 如欲进一步了解本刊物,请浏览: http://www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2016/spring


本期《大发彩票网全部平台》 & Democracy calls readers to invest in high-quality learning for all students by ensuring equitable access to both effective educational practices and welcoming campus climates. Contributing authors share evaluation and implementation strategies that support college success, 特别是对于那些在高等教育中得不到充分服务的学生. 如欲进一步了解本刊物,请浏览: www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2016/winter


Produced in partnership between Association of American Colleges and Universities and the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education (an initiative of Tufts University's Jonathan M. 蒂施公民与公共服务学院),这是关于多样性的问题 & Democracy calls readers to examine how they can best support student and institutional engagement in political life. The issue highlights practices that advance educational goals related to political learning and explores the various roles that students, 教师, 管理者可以在创造一个政治参与和社会公正的民主中发挥作用. 如欲进一步了解本刊物,请浏览: www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2015/fall


全球挑战为学生学习提供了重要的机会. This issue highlights the multifaceted ways in which higher education is involving students in addressing the 全球ly complex issues they will encounter throughout their lives. Contributing authors describe possible avenues into this work and raise pressing questions about equity and inclusion in a 全球ly interdependent society. 如欲进一步了解本刊物,请浏览: www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2015/summer


本期《大发彩票网全部平台》 & 民主扩大AAC&美国长期致力于解决高等教育中基于性别的不平等问题. 文章主题包括STEM学生和教师之间的性别平等, 女性在高等教育管理等领域的领导地位, 世界各地女子学院和大学的作用, and the importance of creating campuses that are safe and inclusive for students of all gender identities. 如欲进一步了解本刊物,请浏览: www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2015/spring


致力于公平和包容性卓越:自学和规划的校园指南 provides a framework for needed dialogue, 评估, 并采取行动解决高等教育机构的不平等问题. 关注获取和成功的问题, it can be used as a tool for bringing together campus leaders and practitioners-across divisions and departments-to engage in internal 评估 and chart a path forward to improve all students' success and achievement of key learning outcomes. The Guide is designed with a particular focus on the success of students who come from groups traditionally underserved in higher education. 如欲进一步了解本刊物,请浏览:www.aacu.org/publications/committing-to-equity

Step Up and Lead for Equity: What Higher Education Can Do to Reverse Our Deepening Divides

加强 & LEAD for Equity: What Higher Education Can Do to Reverse Our Deepening Divides makes the case that America's persistent gaps in education, 收入, 财富在不断扩大, with the fastest growing segments of our population the least likely to have the opportunities they need to succeed. 它认为, 有效地教育当今的学生, higher education must focus more urgently on equity-and on bringing together what we know about closing achievement gaps and advancing high-quality learning outcomes for all students. This brochure builds the case for leadership to challenge the status quo and make the most empowering forms of college learning available to all students. 加强 & LEAD for Equity是一个行动呼吁, 有清晰和令人信服的数据支持, for college leaders to accept this challenge and begin this work by examining their own institutions' history and data to develop an action plan. 它是促进校园和社区对话的理想选择.

加强 & LEAD for Equity concludes with a series of action items applicable to all institutions and can be used in combination with AAC&U's America's Unmet Promise: The Imperative for Equity in Higher Education and Committing to Equity and Inclusive Excellence: A Campus Guide For Self-Study and Planning. 如欲进一步了解本刊物,请浏览: 安全.aacu.org/store/detail.aspx?id = GMSSU


本期《大发彩票网全部平台》 & Democracy features a range of approaches to assessing the impact of students' engagement in diversity, 全球, 公民学习的机会. 如欲进一步了解本刊物,请浏览: www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2013/summer


本期《大发彩票网全部平台》 & Democracy explores how higher education is creating classroom and campus forums that engage with LGBTQ issues. 如欲进一步了解本刊物,请浏览: www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2012/winter


选择一所大学对任何第一次入学的学生来说都是一项艰巨的任务, 而是针对LGBTQ学生, 这可能非常可怕. 惊人的13.4% of LGBTQ high school students who report frequent verbal harassment plan on not attending college, and 20% of all currently enrolled college students report fearing for their physical safety due to their gender identity or sexual orientation. 在回应, 许多大学正在采取措施,为最弱势的学生进行反击, 但是理解在学校里寻找什么仍然很困难. 要了解更多关于LGBTQ学生和大学负担能力的信息,请访问: www.affordablecolleges.com/resources/lgbtq-college-resources/