Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) – Academic and Financial 援助 Standing

Vice President of Student Affairs





A student who successfully appeals for reinstatement will be required to complete, during their probationary period, specific requirements contained in the academic plan developed for that student. 在一个 最低, the academic plan will require a student to achieve a 最低 of a 2.在试用期内平均绩点达到15分,在试用期内完成率达到75%或更高, depending upon the deficiency.


处于休学状态的学生没有资格注册课程或获得经济援助. 被停学的学生可以通过学院满意的学业进步(SAP)上诉程序或在停学期后返回获得资格.  

Good Academic Standing


      6-23 credits attempted: Minimum 1.75 GPA and 58 percent completion

      24 or more credits attempted: Minimum 2.平均绩点0分,66分.6 percent completion


The total grade point average of all courses taken at M State.


The maximum time frame is the total number of credits, including transfer credits, a student may attempt while remaining eligible for financial aid. 最长时间是按已公布学位长度的150%计算的,以学分计算. 90 credits attempted is 150 percent of a 60-credit degree).


The status of a student who:

      A) Returns after an academic suspension period;

      B) Has successfully appealed a satisfactory academic progress suspension;


Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal

一份由学生填写的表格,要求在被勒令休学后恢复为见习学生. The link to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form can be found at www.明尼苏达州.edu/forms.


The College has a suspension period of one academic term (excluding summer).



Quantitative Measure (completion rate)

为了保持学业和经济援助资格,学生必须通过一个项目取得进展的速度. 这是学生必须成功完成的累计尝试学分的百分比. 

Academic 警告状态

一学期内未达到良好学籍条件者,给予学术警告处分. 在学业警告期间,学生有资格注册并获得一个评估期的经济资助.  


明尼苏达州 Community and Technical College, the 明尼苏达州 system, 联邦和州法律要求学生取得令人满意的学业进步才能获得学位, 毕业证书或证书进入学院,并有资格获得经济援助. The standards defined below are cumulative and include all periods of enrollment, whether or not a student received financial aid. 学生对自己的学业进步负有主要责任,并在遇到学业困难时寻求帮助. 学术顾问, 咨询, 辅导, mentoring and outside referral are all available to students. 如果您对如何获得支持服务有疑问,请联系学生服务部门.

Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress


Grade Point Average (GPA)

All students are required to meet the 最低 cumulative GPA as shown below. A 最低 cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required to graduate.

Cumulative 注册ed Credits            Minimum Required GPA

0 - 5                                                                 0.00

6 - 23                                                               1.75

24 or more                                                     2.00

Quantitative Measure

Completion Percentage

完成百分比以获得的总学分(通过的学分包括成绩A)计算, B, C, D, CR, P) divided by total number of credits registered.  F级, FN, FW, I, NC, W, 和Z(或空白/缺失)被视为注册学分,但不是获得(通过)学分,因此对完成百分比产生负面影响.


Cumulative Attempted Credits            Minimum Required Completion

0 - 5                                                                          0%

6 - 23                                                                      58%

24 or more                                                            66.6%


学院将在每学期(包括秋季)结束后评估令人满意的学业进展, spring and summer semesters. 所有在一个学期内取得注册学分的学生将在该学期结束时进行评估.

Failure to Meet Standards


如果在评估期结束时,学生没有达到学院的GPA或完成百分比标准, the student will be placed on warning status for one evaluation period. Students on warning status are eligible to register and receive financial aid. 如果在该学期结束时,学生被恢复到良好的学术地位或被停学,可以提交一份令人满意的学术进步申诉.

Reinstatement to Good Standing of Students on 警告状态

如果在学术警告期结束时,处于警告状态的学生同时达到累积GPA和累积完成百分比标准, the student returns to good academic standing.

Suspension of Students on 警告状态

如果在警告期结束时,处于警告状态的学生未达到学院的累积GPA和完成百分比标准, the student is placed on academic and financial aid suspension. 被停学的学生不能注册或获得经济资助. 学生可就休学申请恢复见习(见下文). 申诉不成功的,停学一学期(夏季除外)。. 在休学一学期(不包括夏季)后返校的学生仍然必须申请恢复潜在的经济援助.

If, at the end of that evaluation period, a student on academic probation status:

  • Has met the College’s cumulative GPA and completion percentage standards, the student shall be returned to good standing.
  • 没有达到学院的累积GPA和完成百分比标准的良好学术地位, but has met the conditions specified in their  academic plan (最低 2.15 term GPA and 75 percent term completion), 学生应在随后的评估期内保持其试用状态.
  • 没有达到学院的累积GPA和完成百分比标准,也没有达到学术计划中规定的条件(至少2.15 term GPA and 75 percent term completion), 在评估期结束后,该学生应立即重新休学.

The College follows the 明尼苏达州 system 2.9.考虑复学申请的程序,并考虑明尼苏达州立大学系统其他院校停学学生的录取. To submit an appeal, visit www.明尼苏达州.edu/forms and click on Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal.

Associated Policies and Procedures

明尼苏达州 system Board 政策 2.9 Academic Standing and Financial 援助 Satisfactory Academic Progress 政策

明尼苏达州 system Procedure 2.9.1 Academic Standing and Financial 援助 Satisfactory Academic Progress Procedure

Next scheduled review


日期Description of Change

Academic suspension was changed from one year to one semester (excluding summer); Minimum term GPA of 2.15 and 75 percent completion rate for students to continue on probation (was 2.25 GPA).